Tuesday, November 9, 2010

dark daylight savings mornings

The dogs don't know about daylights savings, so it is very dark in the mornings when those cold noses hit the face. Gradually I hope they get it, but in the meantime I can get up and blog! Went to Parent's weekend in Lexington over the weekend and somehow managed to miss hunting- nobody told me they changed to Saturday- not that anyone was supposed to- but I am very bad about checking things like a change of day!! I just finally got better at checking time and fixture, so was very surprised to get a "where are you?" phone call!  Oh well - it all was OK I heard. It was a beautiful weekend and I loved seeing my son- this is the youngest and sooner than later there will be no more college football games. Washington & Lee has the strangest, nicest tradition of partying with parents!- like frat party-beer pong- party with the parents. Some of these parents can really get into this , we usually make it to about 10pm , but have heard of the cops throwing the parents out finally!! Basketball season has started and I am going to try to get down to U VA tonight for his exhibition game- Charlottesville is doable.
I saw Blame was retired immediately after Breeder's Cup - nice horse, but I wish Zenyatta had beat him, she ran such a game race, he was just probably better than most of her competition. Too bad, didn't diminish her star power tho' she is still awesome. I am very undecided about selling my weanlings in Dec - what is going to happen to MD racing? Nobody seems to know. Can't be good!

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