Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Why is today called Black Friday? I could understand "Spend all the money you have not earned yet Day" or "Panicked Buyer Day" or "Lets Forget all our Manners Day" or best " Annual Stay Home Day".  Not a day to go out to the mall for a walk. Just a thought. Thanksgiving was a lovely, kinda rainy, misty day. Hunting was cancelled which was a little odd and threw my whole day out of kilter. That must be an old Scotch phrase. Out of kilter! Anyway, we had celebrated our turkey dinner on Wednesday night to accommodate a son working on Thanksgiving, and various other Thanksgiving Day obligations. It had seemed that it would work perfectly with our hunting on Thanksgiving morning. Oh well - not to be and the rest of the day continued slightly askew. Saw new Harry Potter movie which was very good. I read the book and couldn't remember any of it -odd- but watching these movies is like catching up with old friends. We literally have watched these characters grow up!  Then we came home not really knowing what to do - everyone else is eating turkey. Went for a lovely walk in the woods, fixed some fence, chatted with the broodmares, then decided to go to another movie. It was that kinda day. Went to an even stranger movie, The Rock's Faster. Really dark. Odd choice but we like "shoot-em-up's", thought it would be mindless fun. It was very weird.  I really hope they don't cancel hunting again next year- it started a chain reaction of odd choices. I was thankful to come home , eat pumpkin pie and hug my husband.

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