Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11 anniversary

9-11  Hard to believe that it has been 12 years since that horrific day. I was sitting at the back of my barn aisle way and couldn't believe how low a blue Continental plane was flying that day across my back fields. I ran to the front of the barn, thinking I was going to see this plane go down in the corn fields to the west of me. It was the plane that hit the Pentagon. It had been so low I could see heads in the windows. I was so sure it was going to crash that I called Mike to tell him and that was when I went into house and saw the World Trade Tower come down behind Peter Jennings . I will never forget that moment when he was still speaking, still trying to make sense of it when the tower collapsed behind him- we could see it before he realized what was happening. We can never forget that atrocity. Everyone moves on and life is stronger but we will never forget the terror of that day and perhaps will never be as trusting again.
Today is hot and humid, muggy as a July hot spell. Early morning cubbing was a nonstop run from the moment the huntsman cast the hounds into the first covert. After a 45 min run the hounds were exhausted to the point of "tying up". They needed to stop and sit a spell in the shade so we actually called the day - new meaning to the phrase 'fast and furious'.  I bet the fox was exhausted too, though he never let up his run. Jim said he thought it was probably 105 degrees in the corn with no air. The mares and foals were waiting at the gate to come in at 8:30 am. Those big horse flies have been miserable lately and the horses cannot wait for the dark of the barn. I am hiding in the air conditioned house myself!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First day of cubbing and movie extras.....

Today was first day of cubbing and we enjoyed a lovely morning of riding around the very tall corn. LOL. I laugh because I was whipping on the very outside and several times had to go through the corn rows - about ten feet tall, full of spiders and briars- to get to the outside road or path. I literally emptied spiders out of my boots at days end! yech! I could see disembodied heads ( of riders) go by in the far distance and then had to hightail it to the other side of the corn! One crossing was like quicksand and another deadended in the darn creek- these are frustrating things for whips but it was still out hunting so I was happy!! This brings me to movie extras- as I did not think a picture of corn stalks very interesting I am posting a picture of daughter, Sarah, on the set of Clint Eastwood's production of Jersey Boys! She is an extra and was "playing" a spectator at the "Ed Sullivan Show" scene in the movie version of the musical. She said it has been a great experience- she loves the vintage clothes and makeup- said there were 50 makeup /wardrobe people for 200 extras . In addition the other 250 seats in the "theatre" were filled with dummies in vintage clothes and makeup!! At one point Sarah said Clint Eastwood asked the "audience" to be more enthusiastic and lively- especially the dummies in the back!!!  She is having a ball to say the least. I miss her and appreciated the phone call from her to let me know how much fun she is having. Better than galloping in cornstalks with spiders in your face :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September morn

Sleepy mom and baby. It is still hot and humid and the flies are awful so they like to come in under fans for part of the day. I have started weaning, so one baby is not happy but with a little help is dealing with separation. One a week then I should be done at end of month. Yearling sale is also end of month and then foxhunting is in full gear.  I plan on some Virginia dates with the Field Hunter Championship and Virginia Hunt Week.  My friend from Belle Meade is up judging the Field Hunter Championship so will be great to see her.