Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A friend posted this picture and it suddenly brought back a ton of memories. I so-o-o wanted to be the Lone Ranger  or Tonto when I was a kid. He was the epitome of cool! Rock stars of a horse crazy kid's world. They got to talk in mysterious one or two sentences and jump on wonderful horses, galloping off to rescue people. Then ride into sunset just being so "Johnny Depp-like".  I recently played a family charade -type game and used the character "Roy Rogers". Blew my mind that my nephew had no idea who that was except a name for a restaurant. I don't know why I was surprised. Errol Flynn and Valentino meant nothing to me as a kid. But I do remember running home from school to watch Roy Rogers, Lone Ranger,  Rin Tin Tin and Lassie and I realize that influenced me to want a connection with animals and outside and to be able to gallop around. Nowadays while hunting,  I get to gallop around, wear a "costume" (alas, no mask!), work  with great hounds and horses and have adventures. So, I did grow up to be the Lone Ranger!

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