Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last days of summer

I can imagine that this is the beach as I sit and wait for the sun ball to appear. It just has- fiery, smoky, wonderful. If you ignore the hissing of cicadas and think waves lapping you could almost feel the sand. It is the same sun ball, same soft breeze, same quiet morning. I like to do it anyway. The big, old, black crows are not quite seagulls tho'. But there is a beautiful pink nimbus around the sun today. Don't know what it means but it is lovely. Almost 7 o'clock now, by the time the sun ball clears the trees and it has moved south. Where it notches the treeline as it rises changes everyday, this surprised me. I knew it moved but had never before really paid attention and actually seen the world's movement! Copernicus, or Euclid or Newton- one of the them would be proud as I give a nod to their early hypothesis of earth rotation. I realized I have kept this blog for a year now. It was last August 18th when my mini was rear-ended and I almost "bought the farm". Grateful for the blessing that kept me here and I have loved writing this daily look at my life. My daughter recently thanked me for the look into my life. She lives in California and I started it partially to tell her about the little stuff that we don't  really think is important enough to talk about in a phone call- but is the fabric of our lives! Like watching the sun come up every day and feeling the soul of one's life. Love you Sarah.

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