Tuesday's trip to Va. Equine Medical Ctr. for foal surgery went well. Baby definitely had an umbilical abscess, so they prepped and did the surgery about 2PM. Will and I unhooked trailer and drove around Leesburg, one to find diesel and two, to see a movie and kill four hours. Well , it took us 1 hr to find diesel and the whole time my 20 yr old son is asking, "why don't I have a smart phone that would tell me where to go- to find diesel in a strange town, to find a Chik-fil-A , when we wanted a milkshake, to tell me how to get back to the horse hospital..?" In my head I am wondering why would I want another thing to tell me where to Go when I have a 20 yr old son, who thinks I am old-fashioned! But, I was very appreciative of his company and help. It was a long day and a long trip home around the DC Beltway. We waited until 6:30pm to leave and it still took 2 hrs to get back. The foal is doing well, going crazy in the stall for a week's stall rest. It is very hot here so all foals are coming here and I am taking temps as I am still worried about the rotococcus virus, from last year. I pray we don't have a repeat of that. And I missed book club which was a bummer, but that's horses.
Saw the Blue Angels fly for a bit yesterday. I love them , so impressive. Even if ecologically wasteful, if I was at war or under attack, I can't think of a more welcome sign than those babies streaking by!
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