This weekend is getting started with some beautiful weather. The dawns have been spectacular the past couple of days. My son is getting married a year from now and it is going to be lovely. I keep looking around to see what is blooming and what is just past- never noticed how one flower fades and another opens - there is always something that is just perfectly ripe at that one moment, you just have to stop and notice. I love that early morning the best, everything is just starting, the spiderwebs are dewy, the cushions are still damp, the birdcalls are soft. You have to pause to really see the unfolding begin.
I moved the older foals down to the big field in back. The mares were delighted to get back to the stream and immediately started pawing and splashing. Watching the foals was hilarious, they were scared to death but desperate to be beside Mom, so had to jump in! And jumped out just as fast! I love that they learn very early how to drink from a stream and, more importantly for a foxhunter, how to cross streams unconcernedly. There are 5 streams on property and all my horses figure out water fast. My friend in Florida, whom I sent the young mare to for training, said when they took a " riding on the beach excursion" that "Polly" was the one who braved the lapping ocean and got the closest. I guess she figured it was just a very big stream!!