Saturday, July 23, 2011

inspiration comes from the strangest places....

"It is easier to kill at night I have found, although my instincts and energy are at their lowest, emotionally it is more detached. As I pass through these lives, detachment has become my friend. A century ago there were more people around at night, parties continued into wee hours, not only for the very young lusty hormone -driven pre-adults, but for the jaded sophisticates looking for a jump start. They were my crowd, always have been, and certainly the easiest to drift in and out of over the centuries.  They live for the rise and fall of each other's fortunes, never really caring, almost happy at another's misdeeds or folly. So, to be in their lives for a decade or two and then vanish was simple, unremarkable,  and how I have managed to continue."
The sky was "bluer" this morning. Still hot, the sun is up and cooking. This will be the third day in a row of record-breaking temperatures. The horses just stand and sweat, even in the trees at the bottom of the hill. There is the tiniest of breezes and they seem OK. I check a couple times during day and feel bad for them , but it is cooler out of the barn at 100 degrees! The stream is still running , so I leave them out. The above "story" is how I might start my tale of a day-walking centuries old vampire. Look for installments. My crazy hawk was at the door this morning. Swooped past as I walked out to patio, and has been crying at treetop ever since. There is a strange connection here, I feel bad for him if the rest of his family has departed. He seems lost, calling and staying close to the house. I see him all day in various parts of the farm,  'tho he only cries at the dawning of day.  Remember "Ladyhawke" - perhaps this lonely bird is inspiring my story. Getting hot, I am off to chores, Stay cool.

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