Friday, July 16, 2010

hot day

It has greened up so much after the rains we got this week but now the heat is coming back. The dawn "sun ball" is a few minutes later every morning as it tops the trees. I love watching the very, very subtle color changes that herald its approach . Gray fading to silver, tinting to pink and then brightening with oranges and reds. It is like the day comes gift wrapped. I watched a squirrel go to the very highest limb on a nearby tree that is very tall. It has some dead branches at the top and he went to the top and sat. I was holding my breath, afraid he would fall. Then he scampered down , it was as if he stopped to enjoy the dawn for a minute also. Today there are three birds in the same spot, sitting quietly, just watching. I can just see the sun coming now and it is really red- it is going to be a hot one! Getting chores done early, riding one horse, actually the one who was so sick last winter. She is almost 100 %. We ride, walk mostly, around the property , strengthening her hind muscles that atrophied so badly. She was three- legged last winter for about 4 months. Slowly she seems to be regaining muscle tone and at a walk is perfect. Slight limp at a trot an she only canters in field by herself now. Truly a miracle.

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