Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snowy trailriding

It is actually beautiful out. I went for a sunny, snowy quiet trail ride on my foxhunter, Lily. The snow last night is pristine in the woods and it is one of those days when the sun has come out and warmed the day up and it is spectacularly beautiful. We just went walking in the woods, checking out the fresh deer tracks, early dawn's fox tracks and even the feathered imprints on the surface of the fresh snow from an owl's wing as he swooped to take a mouse ( his tracks end at the wing's). Everything is stark and clean and immensely quiet. The deer watched us approach at the edge of the woods and then suddenly, silently leap away. This was a big herd, thirty or more disappearing into the trees.
There is more snow coming apparently so I rode today and was awed by the beauty in the woods. I had been complaining about the snow, hating it and all the work it brings, and then I just decided to enjoy the day ( The sunshine helps!). The broodmares are fat and running in the snow, the yearlings are spinning and bucking- everybody just feels good today. I found a home for the one mare who slipped her foal and who I was not going to breed back. A woman who breeds paint sport horses wanted her and I was happy to find a good home. One less mouth to feed.

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