Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Roading Hounds

The beginning of September means the new season of foxhunting or cubbing starts. And for a whip (whipper-in) that means starting to road hounds. Why teaching the new entry or puppies about horses is called "roading", I don't know, but that is what it means. So, we are on horseback , teaching the new hounds to stay with the huntsman and to not run underfoot or not run away basically.
My good hunt horse is in the stall for another month with a broken coffin bone, so I was trying to road hounds tonight on my newer chestnut ex-racehorse. He tries very hard ,but sometimes the whole thing is just too baffling for him and he jumps straight in the air in frustration. Which is OK as long as I am ready. If I am looking elsewhere , at a wayward hound or in the direction the huntsman is heading , he can catch me quite unawares and he result can be unnerving. Sometimes unseating! But tonight we were OK until the very end when, after untacking, his lead rope got tangled in the trailer door. He pulled back, broke the halter and was gone. Now, I am looking at the highway which is very close and then at him as he gallops by, delighted to be loose. His tail is up over his back and head high he gleefully prances past me - " U can't touch this!" written all over him. Disgustedly I chase him for 20 minutes until he allows himself to be caught. He thinks he is so superior some times, I just want to smack him.

My wonderful husband had dinner waiting and a martini. I am so lucky and I needed it tonight.

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