Saturday, February 9, 2013

dodging Nemo!

It seems we dodged a bullet and avoided two feet of snow. I am sorry for my friends in Rhode Island and the rest of New England, but I am so happy that this storm, called Nemo,  passed us by! I like a dusting of snow  but any more and I would have wanted to be back in Aiken. Speaking of Aiken, here is a picture of Boyd Martin that I downloaded. Remember he is the Olympic caliber event rider that I was asked to "take care of " when we were hunting last month at Belle Meade. Here he is with his famous horse Neville Bardos, the one who escaped the barn fire because of Boyd grabbing his cribbing strap and then made a miraculous recovery. He makes this look easy and they say foxhunters are crazy. Look at the size of that spread! I will run at breakneck speed after a coyote any day before doing this. You go Boyd, I am impressed!  My next horse adventure is going to be outside Paris! Mike is being sent to Paris for a couple months ( what a bummer ;). When I visit, I am taking him stag hunting in Normandy! I went several years ago with a girlfriend to the Forest of Orleans, south of Paris, and spent 4 days hunting stag, hare, smaller deer and boar. It was amazing. When I learned of Mike's trip, I researched and not only found the old chateau and hunt, Rallye de la Brie, but a new chap that will also help organize a trip stag hunting in Normandy. The next day we are going to the D-Day battlefields (for Mike) and tour Omaha Beach etc. I told Mike it was lots of trotting and he would love it. French hunting is an ancient art, very ceremonial and ritualistic. I can't wait and am looking forward to squeezing this in before the foals come!

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