Sunday, October 16, 2011

Virginia Hunt week- Day 1: Rappahannock

Today was a gorgeous fall day, one of those kind when the air is crystal clear and the sky is heartbreak blue. We met at Red Oak Mountain to hunt with Rappahannock. There were three fields, about 40 riders I think. I went first flight and our fieldmaster, Virginia did a great job. The jumps were fairly big coops , a couple of timber rail things (bigger) and just pasture after pasture with incredible views of the Blue Ridge mountains. We topped Red Oak Mt. after about 1 hour and enjoyed some picture -taking of Old Rag. I know this mountain because my kids have all climbed it with school trips. It is tall but it felt like we were equally as high. We went up and down the mountain twice, no bears thank you ( always mentioned) and the scenery was really spectacular. The hounds, Crossbreds mainly, ranged far ahead it seemed. We were on a different mountaintop than the hounds several times it seemed. The huntsman called for quiet and we listened, hoping they were circling back. Which they did a couple of times, then the last time they booked it out of country. The huntsman remarked that " Wouldn't you know, they had 2000 acres on the north side of the mountain and the fox and hounds went south - where we could not follow!". But it was actually a great day, five hours long. We did not come in until 2Pm, our group picking up 11 hounds as we went.  I loved it . Tomorrow is Bull Run and now after a shower and rest, there is a cocktail party in Culpepper.

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