Wednesday, October 6, 2010

dark dawn

I still have to get up at 6Am or so to get chores done, used to be lovely to sit on patio and watch the crack of dawn. Now, the dawn is dark and sleeping in! Too dark to sit outside ( and chilly) , to wait for the sunrise! So the dogs stare at me as I let them out into the darkness and I get on the computer inside! Oh well, it'll be daylight savings soon and I will have some light again in the mornings, but darkness will come earlier at night. My clocks in the car will be right again tho- so that's a bonus! Didn't get the one filly sold, sale seems to be a little steadier than last year but Maryland-breds are dead in the water- nobody wants them. She is a nice filly, needs a home? by St.Averil.  Have two more selling today and I hope it goes better. My partner in horses got a call from Ft. Bragg while at sale, that her son was safe , but his platoon in Afghanistan had been attacked with a casualty.  She was very shaken, hard to concentrate on horses when you are a million miles away being a distraught mom. Troops need to come home, send your prayers to the ones that are still in harm's way and ask God to watch over them.

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