Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday morning

As my day starts and I'm on my second cup of coffee, reading Facebook before I go out to chores, I keep hearing what sounds like fireworks. Finally I look up, see the dawn pinking up and think OH SH_ _ ! Blackpowder season! I guess I will not be trail riding today, too many deer hunting, muzzle loading, first day of season guys out this morning. It is not even light yet and they are already shooting. I hope my six broodmares and two geldings in the back fields keep their heads down. Years ago I had a horse shot first day of deer season and ever since I worry.
Yesterday was a lovely Fall day and we had a good hunt, albeit a little close to suburbia. I imagine all hunts are feeling the pinch of housing developments and yesterday was textbook tiptoeing through somebody's backyard. The hounds were in full cry thru the woods, thru cut cornfields and then thru manicured backyards. Can't tell you how many picnic tables, little equipment sheds, plastic wading pools , BBQ grills and sandboxes I have "sneaked "around at a gallop trying to keep hounds from running down driveways to the main road. As these suburban houses get closer, I now keep an eye out for clotheslines as much as wire fence in the woods. There was a family eating breakfast at their table yesterday as I raced on the edge of their lawn . Don't know if they saw me- I hope not- they are not usually happy about hoofprints! Hounds finally checked below a brand new huge brick Mcmansion, in some brambles and I took the opportunity to try and stop them. After much persuasion and horn blowing they "agreed" to stop and call it a day. Fun but too close to houses for me.
Came home and let the big guy out . This is Louis, the old guy with a broken coffin bone who has been in the stall for 3 months. Aced him and let out for 1 hour. I was crushed when he came back in limping. I had so hoped it would heal , after months of stall rest. The vet at racetrack was very discouraging, said if break was into joint the prognosis was not good. I am so bummed- love this horse. we are going to Xray this week and see what we can do next. Fingers crossed.
Took pictures of "Q" puppies for puppy auction this weekend. They are so cute, the littlest one is called "Q-Tip" by huntsman.

1 comment:

  1. im sorry about louis :(. hopefully he will heal stronger than ever!!!
    i love reading your writing, so much fun. aaaaannnndd i can't wait to listen to the jersey boys soundtrack with you in november.
    miss you mom!
