Yay, the sun has come out. After days of rain, the fall colors are beautiful and I rode all the crazy fillies this morning, just to get out and enjoy it. The farm is so lovely this time of year. Actually, even in the rain it is lovely. I rode yesterday in the rain and it felt like a "misty, moisty morning", calm and quiet in the damp. The leaves were beautiful in the rain. Today they are coming down everywhere. The streams were very swollen, overflowing the banks. I have a blue heron that frequents one of the streams, it is always standing beside the pipe by the back stream. I wonder where blue herons go in the winter. It is there everyday now and I realize I have never seen a heron in the snow! It flies up, startled, with a huge wingspan, every time I ride past. The fillies are starting to look for the darn bird and plan their spook!
Louis, the foxhunter with the broken coffin bone has been let out of jail! We xrayed again and after 3 months in the stall he is pretty much the same. I think it is arthritis. I decided to let him out and let him be a pasture guy to see if it might eventually fuse. He seems to deal with the discomfort without bute and he is so much happier. We are driving to VA this weekend to see Will at Washington and Lee. I am looking forward to the Skyline Drive- the prettiest road in America.