Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Zen and the art of foxhunting....

It is a month ago that Sam and Stephanie had their beautiful wedding here on the farm. They have now moved into their new, "first" home and that whole adventure starts for them. I told Sam the first time you cut the grass or shovel the snow from driveway is when home ownership will really hit.  Two kids married, the youngest has a job offer and is graduating from Washington & Lee in May.  He is planning to be in Charlotte NC next summer working extremely hard. He tells me this job will be like a "financial" internship- 18 hours day- on call all the time etc. They are all grown up!! I do miss telling my mom about all the comings and goings. She passed away in January and I still reach for the phone sometimes. Trying to keep in touch with my sisters instead and the weddings helped to bring us closer.  The house is back to being very silent but the weather has been so beautiful that I am giving in to the urge to go foxhunting all the time. I went out with Howard County yesterday and although warm it was fun to say hi to my friends there and watch visiting Kimberton's PennMaryDels hunt their territory. Today we travel across the Bay Bridge to a member's farm and it should be another lovely day. The full moon had Jupiter as a starry companion this morning, very spectacular. Such a full moon means that the foxes will have been up and about all night which means there will be lots of night lines and hopefully some beautiful hound music today. As the new chapters begin in my life, I think riding and foxhunting, in particular, are a Zen-like meditation. One must be present in all your senses to hunt. It is quiet mostly as you walk through the woods and the rhythm of body and horse in unison is soothing. Then there is a terrific gallop through fields or fast tree dodging flight and suddenly it drops back to a relaxing walk. I know nothing better to feel peaceful and alive at the same time!

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