Monday, March 25, 2013

season ends with snow!

Closing hunt was a chilly, windy day at Mary's Mount.  Like the grey day it ended on a grey note. Several couple of hounds crossed a major road and tho' most motorists were careful to slow and be considerate, we lost of our promising young hounds. Thanks to members on foot and the kindness of strangers we got everybody else back across safely. And I thanked my own personal guardian angel as Red, my lovely chestnut, stepped in a gopher hole as we were galloping back to road to assist. Luckily I saw the hole moments before and was leaning back, with my heart in my throat , willing him to pull his leg back up in time, which thankfully he did. Really good horses can feel holes and somehow just yank that foot up and extend. His nose touched the ground but we avoided a disaster without missing a beat and went to help on the road. A sad note to end on but could have been worse. We thanked Jim for a good season and Patty for triumphantly ending the season as sole field master. Christy did end the season leading third field, which also galloped to the road, much to the surprise of the "hill toppers", who are usually looking for the field with the least excitement! Katherine's shoulder is doing better and she will have lots of physical therapy as soon as we start walking hounds. Nothing like a young puppy on a leash to work those muscles! Snow arrived this morning and has blanketed the countryside. Very pretty and most unwelcome! I am ready for some warmth. The mares are going to start foaling soon. Foal watch is bad enough without chilly temps and snow. Mike is due home from France just in time, I hope, to help with the mares.

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