Wednesday, December 19, 2012

after heartbreak...

I have had no words to make sense of the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook school. The deaths of these children and teachers has diminished us all. Innocence destroyed is the face of evil. How could this have happened? We look outward for answers and we look at each other and wondered how could we have prevented this? It begins a outrage about guns and gun control and will more vigilance toward "the loner type" warn us earlier.  I don't know. What I do know is that we are responsible. We must reach out to the lonely, the fearful, the angry and by sharing our humanity we may stop one senseless act that a fearful, angry, hopeless person may do. One kind smile, one kind word ripples outward and expands in the whole world. It is more powerful than evil and we are more powerful than the wrong doer. We can take such senseless tragedy and each of us remember to take a little more time to listen to someone who may need a kindness at that moment.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Barbara. I would like to add a plea to reach out to the mothers of the angry, frightened, isolated boys. The boys will be given antidepressants and anti-psychotics but that is apparently a recipe for disaster. To illustrate here is a link to a mother's story.

    Happy Holidays from your cousin Mary in BC
