Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Eye of the eagle.....

I have a pair of bald eagles that hunt in my back fields. Yesterday, the mares in that field were tail-up, nostril -flared snorting  and carrying -on. Looking around for the reason I saw this startlingly white head and golden beak hopping across the crest of the field. Even I took a second glance. Eagles are really big and that hooked beak is wicked looking. They may be noble in flight but on the ground, hopping, with I think a rabbit, in his talons, they look like a predator. I walked closer and the mate appeared, silently, from just behind my head. I think she/he had the other's back and I was a tad too close. How do you tell an eagles sex?? Anyway, the killing bird kept trying to get airborne with the rabbit ? and the other flew circles overhead like a fighter plane doing 360's before dropping a bomb. I decided I was probably close enough, flared my own nose and went back to the Gator and continued feeding.  I lost sight of the one on the ground and the mate flew really low, paralleling me for a bit.  Once in Alaska, I was on a fishing boat that was being paced by three killer whales. They kept rolling up as high as possible and looking into the wheelhouse. I swear they were eyeballing us for dinner. It was uncanny then and a little spooky and the eagle gave me the same feeling. I decided to keep my eyes front and not make contact! The thought of an eagle's talon raking my head was disconcerting.  Every once in a while I find a dead, torn, skunk or raccoon in the middle of my fields and I realize these birds tackle really big prey. My raccoons are impressive- fed the best horse feed around!. Easily 20-30 pounds and nasty. I actually would like to see that fight, eagle vs. raccoon. I only ever find dead 'coons, never dead eagles. That also factored into my decision to keep eyes front and drive on. I come back and repeatedly tell my little dogs to stay alert!

1 comment:

  1. woah, that is crazy!!! please don't get taloned! or whatever it is they do. if you come across the fight between racoon and eagle PLEASE FILM IT!!!!!! thanks :-)
