Thursday, February 9, 2012

foal watch starts

I brought the mares up last night because it was a cold, rainy night and I did not want a foal in the field. They seemed very grateful. First momma to be came in and rolled and rolled in the fresh straw. In fact I finally decided she was a little colicky! because she was rolling too much! Gave her some banamine and hoped she felt better soon- which she did. Mare is so big. It will be her fifth foal and she seemed to recognize the foaling stall. Just gave me a long look, like AGAIN....!  I have a girlfriend who is also having a baby right now. I keep watching Facebook, hoping to hear the happy news. I feel for her, it has been a long labor or wait anyway. Motherhood is awesome, labor is just tough, aptly named!
Watched a couple of bald eagles while hunting yesterday. They are so beautiful. I did not realize how deadly they can be until I watched one snatch a skunk in my back pasture. Dropped it, dead, a few minutes later. Stinky,  not surprised he ditched it! Then, my tenant who hunts,  saw the eagle grab a full grown raccoon, kill it and try to fly off. Also got dropped in the middle of pasture. Case of eyes bigger than talons I guess. But still, I am keeping a closer eye on my two little dogs!

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