Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April cherry trees

April has come in Warm, actually it has been hot. I am enjoying it, feeling the knots in my shoulders thaw and relax in the heat. My cherry trees are beautiful. Every Mother's Day I have requested the gift of a flowering tree so I now have quite a few and they are a pleasure to look at in April. The forsythia is still in bloom and the contrast looks just like an Easter candy, pink and yellow and hints of purple from the hyacinth here and there. I love it. Still no foal. This mare is late!!! And still standing very quiet and relaxed - oh well- they come when they want. I want to do a movie tonight and you just know, she will have it when I am not here! A friend And I were commiserating about how "punch drunk" you feel all the time when foal watching. You never quite trust your decision making, wondering if you really did close the gate or not, did you fill the water troughs etc.
My son and his fiance, Stephanie, are looking at various wedding spots and may consider getting married on the farm. So, as I drive around on the Gator, I am looking for beautiful spaces for a wedding . It is a lot of fun. I am so excited for them. I remember when Sam was born and now he is getting married- life is just so cool.

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