3 days to go until I leave!!! Last minute double checks. I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder "where did I pack the extra hydration pack? or "Am I bringing enough socks?" At this point it is kinda funny- what will be is about to happen and the expression "Winging it!" is going to be the norm. They sent us the map of horse stations, water holes, river crossings and mountain passes that we are going to follow and the thought that predominantly came to mind was, "Oh Sh__." It looked a little like a giant scavenger hunt map. I think I am going to pretend I am 10 years old and just get really excited and go running to look for all the treasure, ditching the 60 year old who knows how much can go wrong. Not exactly throwing caution to the wind but letting go of the doubts and staying very much in the moment. Being anxious is not going to stop the sh__ from happening but it will stop me from thoroughly enjoying the ups and downs and incredible moments that are about to happen. When you think back on adventures it was the moments that scared you or were hard, that you re-tell over and over again. It is meeting the unknown that makes us push our limits and try to do more than we thought we could. This is why I am doing this race anyway. I don't know if I can ride 75-100 miles a day in a foreign land but I am glad that I am going to try it!
I will be thinking of my morning ritual of coffee on the patio at dawn, watching the sun top the treeline here, as I experience a new dawn every day over there. I will be thinking of you all, as you think of me. Thanks for the support!
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