The morning was misty and cool and thousands of people in all manners of dress were gathering for the 2013 Tough Mudder. A grueling 11 mile obstacle course run several times a year in different areas of the country, as well as all over the world, my youngest son Will, and two friends had signed up to challenge themselves. Will had never run a marathon or even a half-marathon, a little cross-country running in high school was the extent of his experience. His friends were D1 soccer players so I hoped he was fit enough. We decided to go for the weekend to see Will and Annie and lend some support.
It was a great experience. The course was fantastic and the people involved do a first - class job with set-up, organization, safety etc. I was impressed. It is also a fundraiser for Wounded Warriors and I believe they raise a substantial sum with this event!
Every 15 minutes, from 8am to 3pm, a group of perhaps 200 runners start. The obstacles range from muddy "miles" under barbed wire, up and over deep drains and ditches, thru drainage pipes into water under wire cages. They have to run and crawl thru electric shock obstacles. This had Will worried until I reminded him that he has straddled my electric fence on several occasions, cursing but surviving, so he said OK. Afterwards he said the obstacle was much worse, like being punched hard the whole time through! There were very high, slippery slopes to scale as well as "Berlin Walls" to pull oneself over. Here, the volunteers do an excellent job of encouragement, strangers help one another, the old, the fat, the disabled, all seem to find the strength and help to get over. It was very inspirational. A disabled young man, whom we had seen start in a
wheelchair/stroller being pulled by a
friend dressed in a kilt, was lifted up and over this wall at the same time as Will. Apparently he was being lifted or carried through all the obstacles! We saw old people, heavy-set folks, lots of knee braces. I think my husband was envious and plans to get his whole "masters" lacrosse team to do a future event. I think I could do it, not fast but it would be very satisfying to complete.
Impressively, Will and his friends run and jogged the course to finish in an unbelievable 2 1/2 hours. The usual completion time is 3- 4 hours. You cross the finish line and are handed a Dos Equis beer! And there are showers because the mud is, well, you are just covered in mud. Everyone donates their running shoes at the end, though I am not sure who would want them! It was the best day!
We went to a favorite restaurant that night after wandering around Charlotte's very high-end mall. From the muddy cow fields to a Hermes store in one day - my kinda trip! I loved seeing and playing with Will and Annie, two of my favorite people.
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