After fierce storms last night with lots of lightning and thunder, it is a cooler misty morning. The dew fog is low on the fields as the sun comes up. All the broodmares are quietly at the stream at the bottom of field, in twos, lazily scratching each other's withers. It is very peaceful, the hawk was by earlier and is now silent too. It is Sam's batchelor party tonight. He and Will bought all the stuff for a great BBG cookout and his friends are going to spend the night cooking and playing poker. Mike and I are decampng to another wedding and his fiance is wisely going to friends. All he has to remember is fed the dogs! Next week I am going out to LA to see Sarah. I miss my daughter and will be happy to spend a few days roaming Hollywood!! Stephanie gave me a beautiful locket with family photos, for my birthday: a picture of my parent's wedding, myself and my Dad hand-in-hand at the Calgary Stampede and my sisters and I as teenagers. She found one of my brother and I to add also. My first thought was to show it to my Mom and the second was to realize I could not. That brought a heart pain for a moment. So as I sometimes miss my mom, I am happy to go see my daughter and make sure we have lots of memories to share. Thanks to all who sent me birthday wishes. Facebook friends are wonderful and it is so nice to know others think of one.
Connections are everything.
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