It rained buckets yesterday afternoon and last night. It was such a welcome change, even tho' it was really steamy and hot again right after the downpour. The best rain was last night and this morning it is almost green again. Looks like the yard in fall, kinda yellowish green, but it feels soft again underfoot. The birds were singing up a storm (haha) at sunrise today. I guess they are relieved too. I saw a huge buzzard in my stream yesterday morning, actually in the trickle of water, fanning its wings out. Had never seen one in the water before- gave me a real start as I came around the corner- they are huge birds. I am so glad we got rain, I was about to have to drop hoses all the way down the hill to the mares and foals in the back field. Have had to do this about every 4 or 5 years when the stream dries up completely. It was getting close! And I was calling about round bales to put out- when the pasture is this dry, the horses eat the grass down to roots and it has a very hard time recovering. I will probably get one this weekend to put in run-in shed. My local farmer-gurus think it is going to be a bad summer for heat and dry pastures- bummer. Happy Birthday, Michael. Love you.
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