Foals and puppies are the cutest things. Leo, our yellow Lab ( I think retriever cross) is now almost 8 months old. He is big but still wants to climb into your lap, which can be hilarious. The small dogs love to lie on the back of couch and look out back window, well, Leo wants to also. He puts his head on paws on back of couch and his hind legs are standing/sitting on seat cushion. It is so cute. The foals are now trying to play together, they hide in trees and surprise each other or play tag around their moms, little tails straight in the air as they prance by. Very endearing.
We Xrayed Chessie again, hoping to find some explanation for her continuing extreme lameness. But the vet did not call last night , so I am anticipating no real new definitive answer. She is holding her own, happy to go out and munch spring grass - still very skinny, but that is probably a good thing as she is 3-legged still. Very frustrating, I really have never known anything like this. Some edema above hind ankle, no heat, Xrays show no broken bones, will not put weight on leg.
Another hunter pace tomorrow at Goshen Hounds. It ha been really fun this year and Red is doing great.
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