Death is a part of life, but it is really, really hard to deal with. Our friend passed night before last , even tho' it was expected , even tho' the quality of his life was gone, it is really hard to just keep going on. When somebody you love dies, part of your life dies and it is never the same. I have been to too many funerals in the past couple of weeks and I just wonder how do you just keep going on.
My heart breaks for my friends whose son died. He was only 23!
My heart breaks for my other friend's sons, they are young men, losing their father just as they are becoming men themselves.
My heart breaks for my friends who have lost their husbands, their best friends, their rocks.
How do you rearrange your consciousness to allow for an empty space and grief?
I have no answers and feel woefully inadequate to help. I offer to be there and to give hugs, but realize that the truth is you grieve alone. I can offer distraction but know the path my friends are on is a lonely walk.
But I will continue to be there and we keep going on.
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