The sun feels so good today. After 4 days of rain, the sunshine is a treat for everyone, horses, dogs and cat are all out sunning! Today is the first day I have let, Louis, my old foxhunter that broke his coffin bone this summer, out into a small paddock. He is a very big boy so the vet said give him 3cc's of Ace (a tranquilizer) and let him out for a short time. He is so dopey that he is quietly eating which was the goal. I'm not sure he knows if he is loose or not. One of the weanlings is keeping him company in the barn ( she is in for stitches healing) and the past few days he has been going nuts, kicking boards and carrying -on like an idiot. Now, when he kicks a board, they come flying off. He is 17.2 hands and probably 1400 lobs- a big guy who is very tired of being in the barn. It has been 11 weeks and we are trying for 12 weeks of confinement, then small turn out for another month. Hopefully, the broken bone in his foot will heal completely- fingers crossed. I love the old guy even if he can be big pig sometimes. Right now the other weanling is talking to him across the fence from the small paddock. It is looks like LeBron James and Tinkerbelle talking!
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