The foals are all doing well and thriving. I am settling into my routine of walking babies in, walking babies out, taking daily temperatures, checking everything twice, remembering who is on what medication and did they get it. Who is supposed to be in heat, was in a foal heat or is that the 30 day heat? Is that mare coming in or just being a bitch..? Has she ovulated ? Will the vet ever get here? It is endless but that is a springtime foaling /breeding day. I didn't ride all week as I am too tired/confused by noon to want to ride a fox hunter. They can now get fat and lazy for a couple of months. We did the Green Spring Valley hunter pace and I would be happy to end on that very high note- as in very high fences. It was awesome and we did well. Got a third which there is an accomplishment.
I miss the weddings from last year, but going to a movie with one son tonight and get to see Sarah and Will in a few weeks. Life is good.