I was looking back at last year's posts and saw that I heard the spring peepers a year ago today and I mentioned that the forsythia was budding. I had thought that this year was so unusually warm, but it must have been warm last year. I did not notice my forsythia budding yet ! this year. Will have to go look.
I was preparing for two weddings last year and when I think over all that happened , it was a milestone year!! Sam graduated, got a new job, got married and bought a house. Sarah started several different jobs and pursued makeup business, also got married and she and Kevin are now starting the house hunting adventure. Will helped keep me sane by being a college kid! I will miss those basketball games! Now, I have Charlotte NC to look forward to in the fall I guess.
Mike is finishing his Master's at the Naval War College, I am writing a book ( more like compiling a book) about our Hunt Club's past 75 years and the next chapter begins for the whole family. It has been very interesting writing this book, as I am including a historical timeline for each year. As I research it has been eye-opening to try to only pick one or two major milestones out of some years because they were jam-packed with huge events. Like 1945. Those war years were incredible for life-altering events, happening all over the world. One thing that is jumping out with this "look back" is how small events in one year, end up having major effects later. As WWII ended, peace treaties being signed, Germany being partitioned there was a small note that said "Vietnam became a Republic with Ho Chi Minh as President , (and we helped!)" Little did we know what was to come. I wonder what is happening right now that will become a major event for the next generation!