Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas 2012
Merry Christmas. It has been the most wonderful holiday. Family makes it the best . We played silly games (the most politically-incorrect ever!) with Sam and Steph, laughed really hard, ate too much with everyone, caught up on the all the family "doings", missed the ones who were not with us and just spread the love. It has gone by too fast and now airport departures are looming:( Wishing everyone the best holiday and a Happy New Year. Make it the best!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
after heartbreak...
I have had no words to make sense of the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook school. The deaths of these children and teachers has diminished us all. Innocence destroyed is the face of evil. How could this have happened? We look outward for answers and we look at each other and wondered how could we have prevented this? It begins a outrage about guns and gun control and will more vigilance toward "the loner type" warn us earlier. I don't know. What I do know is that we are responsible. We must reach out to the lonely, the fearful, the angry and by sharing our humanity we may stop one senseless act that a fearful, angry, hopeless person may do. One kind smile, one kind word ripples outward and expands in the whole world. It is more powerful than evil and we are more powerful than the wrong doer. We can take such senseless tragedy and each of us remember to take a little more time to listen to someone who may need a kindness at that moment.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
the 2013 calendar is done and here!
Using Sharon's wonderful pictures we pulled together the best ones and made a 2013 calendar for the Hunt Club. I will have it with me at hunt meets or Sharon will - so let us know. Today is the first of four hunting days in a row basically- can't wait. I can get my fill of "me and horse" time in before Christmas , then I can just enjoy the kids visit which I am so excited about. Short but sweet! Trying to work out details for a hunting trip to Georgia in Jan. Hunting coyote with Belle Meade which should be awesome. They have four fields, two first flight - one called "coyote", the other "fox". As you can imagine the former just goes like a bat out of hell, in a straight line, usually until you lose the coyote! The latter goes like a bat out of hell in a circle! Sounds like an extreme sport and I can't wait!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Christmas Day minus 18
Only 18 days 'til Christmas. The house used to be full of children's excitement, which would have started building exponentially by this date in years past. Now, I am the only one, so far, opening the Advent calendar's little date boxes, and pulling out the miniature Xmas ornaments. This calendar is older than the kids and has been used every year, lovingly opened and replaced every time. So many memories, it brings a big smile to my face every time I go by it hanging in the kitchen. We decorated the tree right after Thanksgiving when Will and Annie were here to help and now I am waiting to share all my building excitement with Sarah and Kevin, who arrive on the 21st, as well as Will. Have to squeeze all the Christmas joy into fewer days, as they all leave again Dec 26th! Just makes it all the sweeter. So funny that I am the one "waiting at the top of the stairs", so to speak, for the "kids" to get here and get up, so we can begin Christmas!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Happy Birthday to Sam
Today is my son's Birthday. I wished him a wonderful day and reflected for a moment on that day 27 years ago. He is the first of the three best things that ever happened to me- my kids. The love affair with your children is so awesome. It gets you through all the rough times and it shines the brightest light on everything else. My kids make my day. I am so proud of them and inspired by all their achievements. Being their mother is the best gift I was ever given and it continues to give me the biggest smile every day. Happy Birthday Sam. Thanks for picking me to be your Mom. I love you.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
good times with friends
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving dinner 2012
We had a wonderful dinner with family. Annie's first holiday dinner with our silly English tradition of "crackers"- she laughed. So blessed and the Redskins had a huge win!! over the arch-rival Cowboys. Perfect ending! Then we went to see final Twilight movie- it was very good- time to end it but fun, good epic battle . The "good" vampires win, of course.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
beautiful sunrise...remember to be thankful.
A beautiful sunrise reminds me to stop and remember all the beauty in my life. I am very thankful for my family, the love of my man and my children. You enrich my life beyond measure. Thank you to my friends who are always there when I need to reach out and touch someone! I want to remind everyone to appreciate this beautiful world with all its frailties and problems and injustices. Remember the sun rises every day and sometimes takes our breath away with this single moment. Happy Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Happy to have family coming for Thanksgiving
I am delighted to have family coming to visit over Thanksgiving, Will and Annie. We will all eat too much but thoroughly enjoy it. I am making pies and prepping the kitchen, making timelines to cook a turkey dinner and go foxhunting all on the same day. Crazy tradition but one I do love. Have to squeeze in time to change bandages on the weanling that just had surgery ! I am about to go out and attempt the first change- hope I can do by myself! We just came back from Lexington, KY and the Keeneland sales. Had a wonderful time, seeing some very expensive new and old stallions and some fabulous stallion facilities. Hill n'Dale looks like a French chateau's stable with Seattle Slew's statue in the center. Midnight Lute stands there. We took a picture with A P Indy, the grand daddy of the Kentucky studs. Now retired but still enjoys center stage at Lane's End. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. Remember to give thanks and hug all your loved ones.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
a hound's delight
A friend took this photo of a hound at Opening Hunt. I believe the fun and joy of hunting is obvious here and contagious. I feel just like this fellow when galloping across open fields, tho' my tongue is definitely not this long!! We dodged a bullet yesterday from another storm that skirted us. It was, in fact, a lovely fall day. I rode at a friend's farm where we were supposed to hunt and went larking, jumping all the coops and fences that we rarely go over anymore. My riding companion said she hadn't even known they were there. We definitely lucked out from the past two storms with minimal tree damage and happily, my streams are still flowing.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
dramatic sky
Today is our rescheduled Opening Hunt (thanks to Superstorm Sandy). The sky was a dramatic pink early this morning as I was up with dogs who do not subscribe to daylight savings. They happily went back to bed as I went out to feed and organize our first formal hunt foray of the year. Opted not to braid, as the rescheduled day is also a Junior Hunt and I never really like to braid anyway. It should be a beautiful day and I enjoyed the ritual donning of a crisp white stock, tying it tightly at my neck with its gold pin. Something elegant and from a time gone bye about a stock tie. The husband looks very good in his white britches and scarlet coat. I just realized it reminds me of Downton Abbey and what must have been a time consuming habit of dressing formally for dinner every evening. They looked really good tho'.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
after the Hurricane
This was the sunrise yesterday. Beautiful. We got our power back about 10PM last night . Whoopee, funny how that seems to right the world, the ability to have instant power. Now I feel like I can go back to my usual routine while, without power, I let my life be interrupted and I sat in front of a fire with a good book and just stopped for awhile. It actually was nice and I had been meaning to read that book for awhile. No power gave me permission! to take a break and relax. I think mentally I will cut the power more often! It was a beautiful morning after but heartbreaking to see the devastation on the Jersey shore. No funny jokes about Jersey Shore now, those people have a tough rebuild ahead. I watch all that oceanwater in the streets and people wading in it and I wonder , " do sharks come in ?" I would be a little worried about what was in that water! I hope it recedes quickly for them. And I am grateful for once we were spared a Hallowe'en snowstorm- 30 inches in West Virginia! However I am happy that my streams are full again, first time in months. The water did not even overrun the banks during this hurricane which lets me know how low our water table must have been.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy-yikes!
This photo is the aftermath of Hurricane Irene , a couple of years ago. Hurricane Sandy is supposed to be worse and is arriving now. I brought almost all the horses up to the barn and think I will squeeze in the last two this morning. They are predicting a really bad punch from this storm, so I think I will try to feed everyone in one spot- don't think riding in the 'Gator under trees is very smart. Mike went to work this morning but I hope he comes back soon as they are stopping all transportation modes on the East Coast. Even the terrorists are hunkered down I expect!! The dogs looked at me like I was nuts when I opened the door and told them to go out. I found their winter blankets and they are just going to have to tough it out with me in a few minutes as I go out to feed. Love my DuBarry waterproof boots and long Barbour!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The wind was taken "out of my sail" and from "under my wings" for a little while after my mare had to be euthanized. It is the hardest thing to say bye to animal friends. But I am grateful for my friends online "hugs" and am always mindful of the harder burdens some of us are dealing with. I have more wonderful horses that bring me great joy and a sport that I can share with my husband and friends. Opening hunt is this weekend and it is always fun to get "formal" and enjoy our centuries old tradition. My book about the Marlborough Hunt Club's history has been well received and I appreciate the very nice comments that my friends have given me. Hopefully Hurricane Sandy will keep going east and not ruin our Sunday morning, even tho' we still really need the rain- just wait one more day! Yesterday was warm and beautiful, but dry conditions with lots of leaves make scenting very difficult. The puppies get bored and then stopping deer riot is the order of the day! I am clipping and blanketing for Opening Hunt and 79 degrees throws a real curve ball into the blanket options. I know I should really enjoy these last warm days so I am just dealing with on- off blanketing! The horses think I am nuts, I can just hear them saying, "Make up your friggin... mind!".
Monday, October 15, 2012
yay Redskins!!!
We had a great day at Redskins Park with Kathy Farley and company. The Redskin ladies celebrated RGIII and his dynamite run for a touchdown. So fun to be a Redskin yesterday and we had a fun tailgate with Kathy and Rhem and family. I am still hoarse from shouting but so happy I was there!!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
very tough day..the saddest kind...
My beautiful mare Chessie did not beat the odds this time.Whatever bacteria had gotten a hold and was creating havoc with her system was not going away. I had to make a very tough decision and say enough. The Medical Clinic said it was very poor prognosis and thousands of dollars would be spent and she would have to endure too many invasive procedures to attempt what was probably impossible so I said enough. Sad day. Bleak, I spent all day feeling bleak. I know it is a part of responsible animal guardianship but it still sucks. She will be missed, she was a lovely gentle soul. My consolation is in knowing she was loved and cared for well her whole life and she ran around with her friends and had a really good life. Living in a stall, being stuck with IV's and tons of antibiotics that give you terrible diarrhea and ulcers etc is no way to live. She is running free in my heart and soul and that helps.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
it can always get worse...need a prayer
Some days you just don't want to talk about the rough stuff that is going on. I came home from the Field Hunter Championship last Friday, which was really fun, to a life-threatening situation with one of my broodmares. "Equine pericarditis", which I had never heard of because it is very rare, has since been the diagnosis to the condition that appeared in Chessie over the last week. She was very depressed, intermittent fever and not eating. After trying all the usual Bute, Banamine, Sulpha therapies to no improvement I took her up to Leesburg Equine Medical Center. Everyone knows this is a last resort because it breaks the bank. Thank God and Kathy Farley that there was some insurance on her because she is pregnant with a warmblood foal for Kathy. She is still pregnant but very sick. They drained 5 liters of fluid from around her heart and tell me they may never know what caused this, other than a bacterial infection. Some research shows a similarity to the Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome in Kentucky some years ago, which had symptom of equine pericarditis also (watch out for those tent caterpillars, seems to be some connection). Hopefully Chessie will pull through, she has previously beaten some tough odds- this is same mare who was very sick as a two year old. She refused to give up then, so I know she is a fighter! Send a prayer. I am holding my breath and crossing fingers that the cost does not exceed the insurance because that brings its own difficult decisions and heartaches. She is a lovely mare and I am positive she will recover. I am also mindful that this is my horse and not my child. I have friends going through much tougher and heartbreaking times with loved ones, so I keep this in balance in my mind. I keep praying for Chess and for my friends and their tough times.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
2012 Field Hunter Championship....
The 2012 Field Hunter Championship started yesterday, the first meet hosted by Warrenton Hunt. If I get over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge before 6 am then the drive is fine. It was a beautiful morning and wonderful to see friends from previous years. The lady who won last year is from Belle Meade Hunt in Georgia and has a longer drive than me, but like me she loves it every year and brings her beautiful big grey. It was warm so scenting difficult but it is the running and jumping that brings me back. This is a competition between the very best horses and the best riders in the East. So much fun to gallop across lovely Virginia countryside and smoothly taking coop after coop in stride. Polly, my lovely dark brown mare was awesome. I think she really enjoys this, being able to stretch out and fly, and her ears prick right up as we approach each fence and with no effort at all she is up and over. All the horses are like this, they truly are the cream of the crop. One lovely big hunter after another. I rarely get "picked" as my mare is the racy Thoroughbred-type wearing a "figure-8 gag" and the judges are really looking for the conformation hunter that never picks up the bit! And there are actually about 20 or 30 of them here! But it is so much fun. Today was canceled because of the rain and rescheduled for Friday and I have to admit I was delighted. I am sore! Not as young as I think I am and the muscles do not recover as fast as I wish. A day off is great, tho that means it is Orange County on Wed, Old Dominion on Thurs and Fairfax on Friday. Yikes. And it is over the best Virginia country. I love it!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunrise over Patuxent
This picture is sunrise over the Patuxent River this morning. It was beautiful, but so dry the hounds were unable to do much. My streams are drying up again and I have to move broodmares to field with trough as their watering hole is a small muddy, muddy mess. I received a unexpected check yesterday from some property taxes and with small check in hand wondered..." Botox and looking good or new bridle for my gag bit which is about 20 years old! As I am at heart a horsewoman, and because I am doing Field Hunter Championships next week in Virginia ( and need to look good) the choice was a no contest - new bridle! My frown lines and laugh lines are well-earned and tell the story of me. So my tack will be new and I care more about that anyway! Off to play trivia with my son and daughter-in-law tonight and enjoy this beautiful weather.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Fall is here
I have seen two "V's" of geese flying overhead this past weekend and this morning the first yellow leaves really can be seen in the treeline close to the house. Fall. The welcome coolness after summer's heat and humidity. We have started cubbing and had a terrific "view" yesterday. This fox was way ahead of hounds and stopped to stare back at us before darting into woods. Scenting must have been difficult because the hounds never really locked on, but they stayed on the line and twisted and circled in the corn with this wily fellow. The other whip had a couple of views as this fox just kept dodging thru the corn about 10 minutes ahead of hounds. We finally called off hounds when close to trailers after two hours and I am sure this fox just "stuck his tongue out at us" as he cruised past the last time. It is cool enough now in the morning that I am staying under the covers and watching sunrise from window. Signed up for the Virginia Field Hunter Championship which takes place in about two weeks. Get to hunt with Warrenton, Fairfax, Orange County and Old Dominion! Yeah. Hope to see some friends in the hunt fields and I love riding in Virginia.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Marlborough Hunt Club book is done...
I have finished the book about Marlborough Hunt Club's first 75 years that I have been working on for almost a year. It was a really interesting, fun project to research the old Tally-Ho's ( our monthly newsletter) and old newspaper clippings etc., to recreate the timeline of our history. Then putting it into a historical event timeline also was the most interesting part. I walked the history of the Club through the events that shaped America over the past 75 years. We were hunting the day of Pearl Harbor and we cancelled hunting after the JFK assassination. It was just little facts that made the stories of our founders come to life. I know where they were when they recounted a good hunting story or a funny episode with friends in the hunt field. They may be gone but they are not forgotten when we can follow in the exact "hoof prints" as we do the same thing that they also loved doing every time we saddle up and cry Tally-Ho! It is a unique sport that has maintained its customs and clothing and way of life for hundreds of year. As I researched I kept coming across a book called "The Bolinvars". It was a story written in early 1900's about a foxhunting dynasty in New Jersey and Virginia. The places were familiar and the desire to follow hounds is as constant today as then. The thrilling chase at the end of that book is why I love fox chasing. The ties to the countryside and the bonds among friends were never better described. I hope I have managed to bring alive some of the history and stories of our earliest members in my book. It is being printed now and the response has been wonderful.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
It is a day to remember the sacrifice that so many made to save fellow Americans. The firemen who rushed in to help at the towers, the friends that no doubt lost lives to stay and help their co-workers, the strangers that I am sure, stopped to comfort someone in that inferno. Remember the passengers who, realizing the pilot was a terrorist, risked everything to stop him. It is a day that exemplifies the very best of America- we will run to help and we will not tolerate hatred. We will fight back and we did. My husband knew the fellow who spent ten years meticulously hunting down every lead in the search for Bin Laden. Ten years he never stopped following every thread or whisper and he never wavered in his quiet determination to do the right thing and stop this man who hated America. We will never forget.
Monday, September 10, 2012
September morn
I had a wonderful visit with daughter, Sarah in LA. The new home is beautiful with big rooms, big backyard and lots of flowers and blooming trees. We made lemonade from her own lemon tree! Too short but great to see her and Kevin. Small earthquake when I was there just to remind me that it is LA and the one thing I worry about! Came back and moved right into the fall schedule of early, early cubbing. The only thing that makes it OK to get up at 4:30 am to go hunting is the fabulous sunrises over the marshy Patuxent River. Watching the morning mist lift over the river and the sun start to warm all the reeds, trees and fields is amazing. The leaves are turning and it is a patchwork of tweeds and soft yellows, the corn is brown. The world is truly awesome in its beauty and being on a horse at daybreak is my favorite place to be! Will made it down to Charlotte and is starting his career in the financial world. He was very happy to pass his last exam and he is now a licensed securities trader. Congratulations. Sam ran a 5K yesterday called the color run. It seems that at every 1 mile check people threw colored cornstarch at the runners. Pictures were hilarious and I am proud he is running. Not sure what the colors represent but there was a large turnout!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
last August days.....
I am relaxing with the last August days, watching the sun rise a little later every morning. The dew and morning fog hangs heavier over the fields. The resident hawk is insistently screaming at me this morning, has his/her partner left? My tack is getting oiled and the britches are being pulled out of the back of the closet. I fetched my brown cubbing boots up from the basement. The rhythm of the fall is pushing back into its place. I am waiting to hear a geese honk as it flies over, then I really know it is time. I wake and wonder "What now?" every morning. As I resume my daily routine, it is like an echo in the back of my mind. The kids are done. I did a good job; three college graduates, two married and homeowners, one starting a wonderful career in a new city, but "Now what?" Writing the book about the hunt club filled all last year, with weddings and buying houses and the last college graduation still occupying the Mom part. Now I need a new career. Part of me wants to just go hunting and see what unfolds, part of me wants to pick up my book about Blackbeard or my vampire girl, part of me wants to pull the covers over my head. What I have to do is go feed! It is going to be beautiful day and I am going to stop listening to my worrying mind and go feel this new rhythm on top of a horse.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Not sure about the "empty nest"...
The U-Haul is packed and ready for our trip to Charlotte. Will's car is also stuffed to the top with his clothes, books, workout equipment, whatever. It all just barely fit and I'm glad I have two "movers" meeting us to unload all this into Will's new apartment. I am really not sure how I feel about my empty nest. There are now three empty bedrooms upstairs. I walk into them some days and just stand, a little shocked at the space and quiet. Life is full with new plans and my usual routines- 20 horses to feed, ride, etc- but the rhythm of the mom's life is pretty much all gone. It is odd. The kids really have "left". After twenty-two years, those upstairs bedrooms are now used when they "visit". I should be glad, I am glad that three kids have found happiness, husbands, wives and girlfriends, purposeful work, their own credit cards!, but today I am allowed to be sad. Love you all and miss you. Mom
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Home and Happy!
It is a beautiful morning, blue cloudless sky and not killer hot! A good day and I am home again and happy. That is the point of Happy Birthday right? Well, I am happy. I always appreciate my birthday because the alternative would really suck - don't mind be another year older, it feels like a gift, the only one I really want - another year. Another year to love my family and to enjoy this life. We had a wonderful vacation trip to the Canadian rockies, seeing my sisters and getting my "fix" of mountains. There is nothing quite like looking at mountains so big they just dwarf everything around them. Puts everything in perspective- we are really just dust motes in history's timeline. The view from the top of the gondola in Banff was so beautiful. I did post pictures so I hope everyone could see the majesty of those mountains. I love getting a break from my routine; that is what is so great about vacation, not having to rush to get everything done and be somewhere at a certain time etc. And after the break, it is great to come home. I love going to bed in my own bed after hotels. It feels so good to curl up in your own spot. The resident hawk was here this morning to say 'hello' and the horses and dogs all did great while we were gone. Thank you Joanie and Ernesto. It was a gift and I appreciate it, the dogs were looking for you guys- you must have spoiled them!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Dawn's early light
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Will's next big adventure
- Democritus
This quote greeted me this morning on Facebook and I thought it was a wonderful thought with which to send Will off on his next adventure in the Big Apple. He is moving into the "real world" of financial analysis and I think he will have a great time. He, however, is a little anxious. I wanted to remind him, one last time, of the important things, like doing the "right thing" and integrity and kindness. Of listening to people before launching into your own opinion; that it is not so much that you get it "right" but that you always give 100% and ask the right questions, pay attention and try. Happiness truly does reside within and it springs forth from the smiles of the people around you. People want to be around upbeat people , that is one of Will's great strengths, he is optimistic and a little idealistic, but in a good way. I will miss him greatly and I wish him Godspeed on this next "ride". Love you son.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
somber grey today
My heart aches for the families in Colorado. Yesterday was a very emotional day, every time I caught the TV, I was sucked into listening to the horror of what happened in Aurora, Colorado. What is it about Colorado? Only 12 miles from Columbine! My two sons went to the midnight show of Batman here in Annapolis and, instinctively, I reached out to them yesterday morning to say "Are you OK, I love you." My heart aches for those Moms whose sons went to a movie and didn't come back. I watched in tears as that one man on TV cried out for help in finding his son, whose birthday was yesterday, who had not come home from the movie. How do you deal with that kind of anguish-I don't know. I just know I felt wretched yesterday and broke down several times, in tears, just weeping for such senseless loss of life. Today the skies are grey, overcast. The cool, rain-dampened air is a relief from the heat. Both the horses and I just stood in the rain yesterday and let it fall on our skin, it felt so good. Washing away the sweat and grime from their coats and, mirroring my soul, mixing with the tears on my face. I am so sorry for their loss, may their faith and families give them comfort .
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
a "siege " of herons...
I looked it up yesterday and for those who care, a flock of herons is known as a "siege " of herons. I decided to brave the spider webs and deer ticks and went to look at the beaver dams yesterday. The big stream I mentioned was low enough that I could walk down its muddy banks in some places and I eventually found the new beaver dam. The water level is 2/3 down I guess, which exposes the dam and it engineering secrets. I was able to walk across the dam, it is that solid. No sign of the beavers there now, but I continued on to the bigger beaver dam I know about, on my neighbor's land and it too was down, probably 3/4. These beavers have created a "lake" with lots of beaver-downed large trees in the middle. I was able to actually walk out into the middle of what is now more like a swamp than a lake and lo, and behold, I found the blue herons! I think it is a rookery. About 4 big herons lifted off as the Labrador and I carefully walked out in the muck. Then I watched 2 or 3 "baby" herons squawk and crash into tree branches close by. It was amazing to watch these gangly birds so close. This morning 4 of them just flew over again, so I assume I did not scare them all away. It was worth lots of spider webs in the face and I hope I washed all the ticks off in the subsequent shower.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
morning blue herons....
I just saw 8 ! blue herons flying together!. It is 6AM and I am watching the sunrise kaleidoscope, when a "flock"of blue herons fly in formation overhead. I see single herons fairly often, but I have never seen a group together. They looked exactly like the coastal pelicans, who cruise in total synchronicity over waves down at Nags Head. These herons actually circled overhead and made several passes over me . I wonder what a group of blue herons is called? How about a "blaze " of herons or a "herd " ?? I wonder if they are looking for water as the streams have dried up. Usually I see a single bird stalking frogs in the big stream in the back field. It is dry and cracked now. There is another stream further back that has been very full this spring, unusually so. I have been meaning to walk downstream to look for a beaver dam. This was my widest stream and the one I used to teach young horses how to walk thru water without getting all upset. At first, this spring I thought it was just full from rains, but as it dried and the stream continued to be above hock depth I wondered finally what the beavers had done. Now, I wonder if that is where the herons are headed. I haven't ridden recently as it has been way too hot and the deer flies and spider webs put a damper on early morning rides. Perhaps I will walk this morning and go look. Sometimes I wonder at animal's prescient knowledge- do the beaver know we are in for a hot, dry summer and work extra hard to build a deeper dam to keep water for all the "critters". Nature's way.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sorry, As the temperature keeps going up my ladylike personality is slipping away. I woke up this morning with a fierce cramp in my calf - the kind that make you howl and grab your leg. I think I will be eating bananas for breakfast! But seriously, it is too fu.... hot!! And it is only the beginning of the summer. My streams have dried up, I am already feeding hay, the pastures are crunchy underfoot, the horses are miserable. I don't really know whether to put them in under fans or encourage them to stay under trees. It is supposed to hit 105 degrees today/tomorrow- it is too hot in barn even with fans. I decided we are going to the beach next July 4th. I am definitely ready for a vacation by the end of June, so we are not waiting for end of August next year to do a birthday bash, but will go in the beginning of the summer!! I looked at all the big nice rentals in Nags Head and felt a little cooler looking at beach scenes!!!
I can't wait to go to Canada soon for our trip in the Rockies. The Columbia Icefields and snow in July sounds nice actually. The July 4th holiday was fun, lots of fireworks , fun with Will and Annie and the best part was a friend's 48 hour pool party , even tho I had one too many "smoothies"!!! The worst part was the power outage but enough has been said about that!
I can't wait to go to Canada soon for our trip in the Rockies. The Columbia Icefields and snow in July sounds nice actually. The July 4th holiday was fun, lots of fireworks , fun with Will and Annie and the best part was a friend's 48 hour pool party , even tho I had one too many "smoothies"!!! The worst part was the power outage but enough has been said about that!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Happy Birthday Michael!- "it is good to be the King!"
Today is Mike's birthday ! He decided to sleep in until 5:30 AM! I am so glad he gets up early because then I get up and do barn chores before it gets unbearable. We may check out the new casino with friends to celebrate and I stopped to get a Caroline's Cake for him yesterday. That and a massage - what more could a guy want! Today I am also picking up my new "stock" trailer - gonna try something new in the world of horse transportation. I realized if I never put a horse in it until after we moved Will to North Carolina I could get everything in there- Not- horses are gonna go first! I am interested to see how my fox hunters and mares deal with a "step-up". The babies will jump in anywhere to be with mare- half the time they jump over me! I asked JD for pointers on how to get them to load in a step-up and he very generously said, "Open the door"! Ha-Ha- thanks JD. So, Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, who is my best friend and partner. He looks like a king on a throne in this picture- we were trying out chairs at Arhaus!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Getting a day of reprieve in between hot, hot days makes a Maryland summer bearable. There is no humidity and it was actually cool this morning. I have a cashmere wrap on at 5:30 Am to watch sunrise! Yes, that is the way I like it, uh- uh, uh-uh! The sky is so blue it is wonderous. The resident blue heron just flew over, he goes to sit at the very top of a nearby tree. The branch sways and rocks under his weight and I just wait for him to fall. He looks so funny, all gangly and long neck and knees knocking, trying to perch on this little branch. I got a note from Will, saying London was awesome and they are in Paris. They must be having a great time, I am so glad he and Annie were able to do this together. Always makes it more special when you have somebody to share it all with! I guess that goes for everything in life.
Friday, June 22, 2012
hot , hot...
I am up and starting chores about 5AM because it is still so hot and muggy. Sunrise is beautiful but I am trying to beat the bugs and humidity. Horses were miserable last night. I had to put them out before 5PM as I was taking Will and Annie to Dulles for their European vacation ( just a little envious). When I got back they were still standing by the barn, stamping, with the foals tucked under Mom's tail because the flies are killing them. I expect they will want to come in by 5AM!! London, England and a cool rainy day sounded kinda nice yesterday.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Eye of the eagle.....
I have a pair of bald eagles that hunt in my back fields. Yesterday, the mares in that field were tail-up, nostril -flared snorting and carrying -on. Looking around for the reason I saw this startlingly white head and golden beak hopping across the crest of the field. Even I took a second glance. Eagles are really big and that hooked beak is wicked looking. They may be noble in flight but on the ground, hopping, with I think a rabbit, in his talons, they look like a predator. I walked closer and the mate appeared, silently, from just behind my head. I think she/he had the other's back and I was a tad too close. How do you tell an eagles sex?? Anyway, the killing bird kept trying to get airborne with the rabbit ? and the other flew circles overhead like a fighter plane doing 360's before dropping a bomb. I decided I was probably close enough, flared my own nose and went back to the Gator and continued feeding. I lost sight of the one on the ground and the mate flew really low, paralleling me for a bit. Once in Alaska, I was on a fishing boat that was being paced by three killer whales. They kept rolling up as high as possible and looking into the wheelhouse. I swear they were eyeballing us for dinner. It was uncanny then and a little spooky and the eagle gave me the same feeling. I decided to keep my eyes front and not make contact! The thought of an eagle's talon raking my head was disconcerting. Every once in a while I find a dead, torn, skunk or raccoon in the middle of my fields and I realize these birds tackle really big prey. My raccoons are impressive- fed the best horse feed around!. Easily 20-30 pounds and nasty. I actually would like to see that fight, eagle vs. raccoon. I only ever find dead 'coons, never dead eagles. That also factored into my decision to keep eyes front and drive on. I come back and repeatedly tell my little dogs to stay alert!
Monday, June 18, 2012
We have been collecting furniture for Will's new apartment and are almost done. He and Annie are about to head off for the "grand European tour"- post college. Not really a three month sojourn but a nice vacation anyway. Nowadays one wants to travel with a carry-on and not ten steamer trunks that need a porter- can you image! Though not sure Will is going to get 10 days clothes in a carry-on!
Father's Day was a lovely brunch at chef Sam's house. The quiche was excellent and the company better. Then I actually schooled a couple of horses and cleaned my tack room. This is a once yearly event the makes me feel wonderful! Life is good.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
graduation's done , summer is here!
We had a wonderful time at William's Washington and Lee graduation . Could not believe it had been four years already but it was a joyous day. Annie and Will were very successful graduates, Annie was summa cum laude and Will was cum laude. I am so proud of my son. He worked very hard to get that accolade and it was a teary moment watching the walk across the podium. Then it was on to Charlotte, NC with Sarah in tow to look for apartments. Which we found. A modern apartment complex close enough to walk to work. Charlotte was hopping that night with a Nascar celebration and we sat on the street corner, eating guacamole and people watched. I think Charlotte will be just fine for Will. My graduation present to him was a Brooks Bros. wardrobe!! He looks terrific in his tailored Brooks Bros and ready to conquer the financial world. We are now furniture shopping and he is breaking in those new fancy shoes.
later this month, but before that I have the pleasure of
Will's company for a short time this summer. Sarah is
back in LA and house buying as we speak. It was
great to hang with Sam in Lexington too. Both Sam
and Sarah gave Will thoughtful and funny toasts at
his fraternity dinner and we all learned why it is
called a "toast". I have the best kids.
The horses are all OK, foals bumping and jumping, the mares are pregnant and lazy. Life is good.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Preakness, birthdays, may days....
This year's Preakness was awesome. I'll Have Another has a good shot at the Triple Crown, a tough scrappy chestnut colt, he seems a little like his trainer, a cowboy who has worked his way up to the big times. I hope he does it - would be so wonderful for racing. We had a really fun day at the Preakness and my hat was a big hit. I have never received so many compliments about anything ever! And my friends could find me by looking for the butterfly floating above the crowd. Our fifth anniversary was lovely, just hanging out with each other and watching superheroes save the world! The Avengers was good too! Now we are moving onto Will's graduation this week. Fingers crossed all the mares are pregnant, they are all home right now. Foals well and looking good.
Monday, May 14, 2012
I had a lovely Mother's Day....
I am showing off my new "ShoeDazzle " accessories from Sarah for Mother's Day. The kind of shoes I would never buy, but surprisingly comfortable even if 6!!! inch heels. I have big bling earrings and not sure what the ring is called , other than big. It was a wonderful day. Started with breakfast with Sam and Stephanie and ended with dinner with hubby at O'Leary's ( the best shortcake!). Got to see "The Avengers" in the middle and talk to Will and Sarah. Couldn't have a better day. Thanks guys.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
May 12-Birthday month, end of hunter paces and breeding (hopefully) !
William's graduation from Washington and Lee is almost here. I cannot believe it has been 4 years since we took him down, but he is certainly ready to move on to the next chapter. From Lexington we are going apartment hunting in Charlotte, before he leaves for a European vacation! Sarah is in Las Vegas with hubby for a birthday, anniversary, last blow-out before buying a house, weekend away. Michael is very happy about a promotion that he has received and had very much earned. Mother's Day is tomorrow and I think the best part is, it is a holiday I do not have to do anything for! Life is good!
Friday, April 27, 2012
settling into familiar routine with babies...
I miss the weddings from last year, but going to a movie with one son tonight and get to see Sarah and Will in a few weeks. Life is good.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Baby No.4 not meant to be...a little rain did fall...
Our last foal was stillborn last night. Everything was proceeding fine at first. I was delighted the mare started to go into labor as she was very, very big and had been 3 weeks late last year. But the foal never took a breath however. The vet says sometimes there is a premature separation of the umbilical cord and then they almost always do not make it. :( So I have a sad mom and a sad me. The first time I have not gone back to bed very tired but exhilarated after a foaling. This one was just sad.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Clever Buddha's baby...
Baby no. 3 came at 4AM this morning. All my mares have been 12 days late-go figure! Lovely, big colt by Into Mischief and I think he may be a gray like his mom. Dark brown now, but the grey undercoat is there with a star that looks like a dandelion in full "fluff" mode! Mike helped me help the little guy into the world and I turned and said, "Isn't that a nice way to start the day." He looked like staying in bed was more like his idea of a good way to start! Thank you dear! One more to go - fingers crossed all is well with them all.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Foals are thriving and waiting on two more...
This is a photo of the month -old Lionhearted baby.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Baby No. 2
The second foal was born this morning at 3am. I am so tired but wanted to post it. Lovely little filly born to Regretable Romance, the owner has claimed the name "Foolish Romance" as she made her debut on April Fool's Day! Gave me a big scare as she tried to put her foot thru Mom's rectum as a delivery path!! Not a good idea but we managed to reposition and delivery went OK. Two down and two to go and I hope I get to sleep tonight.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
still waiting on the mare maternity ward!
Waiting is the hardest part. One mare is over a week late and the big grey is due on Saturday. They are both restless, and very big but once tucked into the warm straw beds, they sigh, cock a hip and do not deliver their bundle of joy! I am running on interrupted sleep. I was afraid Michael wouldn't be able to sleep at night with the ambient light from the video screen but it doesn't seem to keep either one of us awake anymore. I just roll over, keep one eye open and keep watching. Watching horses' butts and switching tails! Sometimes the shadows make grotesque monsters in the straw but it has been very quiet. Hard to watch two pregnant mares when I only have one camera stall. It means I have to go out at midnight and make a judgement call. Right now the maiden mare who is overdue still rates the camera but that could change.The first baby is doing well and actually leading not too badly. Hasn't kicked me yet, this is a bonus!
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